
Posts Tagged ‘douches’

Wesleyan and the indie kids

December 6, 2010 Leave a comment

Das Racist has a hilarious interview in the latest New York Times magazine. I know the whole Wesleyan indie kid thing  has been written about before, but I’m always asked whether I overlapped with any of these folks (to answer: I recognized Andrew VanWyngarden’s name from a music class or two, but he only looks vaguely familiar in photos).

What’s curious to me is that all these acts (maybe minus the slightly older Santigold) are coming out of a time when Wesleyan is supposed to be, like, totally mainstream, man (lamestream, as DannyMo would say). As a freshman I heard all about how Wesleyan was not as crazy as it used to be. The whole Keep Wesleyan Weird thing continues, I guess, and recent-grad friends say it’s only getting ‘worse.’ (i.e. fewer naked parties, more collared shirts purchased at retail prices)

But then why all these “kool kidz” coming out of the woodwork? No one from my years is all indie-kid kool. Is this a paradox?

update/answer: totally not a paradox if you think these indie kids are assholes and everyone before them was doing real work. whoops. duh.

Categories: filler Tags: , ,

After we’ve been down the shore, where to next?

January 6, 2010 1 comment

Oh no. Can we admit to problems?

I think I mentioned it in the second post: I’m afraid I’m just asking and making pretentious questions and assertions. After a while, how long until this whole blog is just repeating itself not necessarily on topics but in thought processes? Like, “oh shit, if Eric mentions Jersey Shore, he’s going to take it to X-Y-Z.” So sit. Think like I would think (Something like “Um, ice cream truck. Pretty ladies. Pistachio, singular. Internet. Doot doot dooooo, what’s for lunch.”), then not read the rest of this because I’m joining the Jersey Shore talk bandwagon one month too late. Basically, I just want to know: after we’ve been down the Jersey Shore, where else can we go? Read more…

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